William Spencer III    A B O U T - T h e - A r t i s t

E n t r a n c e       T o       W i l l i a m       S p e n c e r       A r t       H e r e:


William Spencer III paintings Modern Contemporary Art
William Spencer III paintings Modern Contemporary Art Maybe our perceptions are not necessarily strictly of objects or views of the landscape, rather they are of our impressions of our universe, the cosmos, other people and relationships and our feelings and questions about such things. Art is one way of expressing impressions of the world around us.

Everywhere in Nature are geometric shapes and humans [as part of nature] constantly mimic these shapes. Maybe there is no distinction between the shapes Nature creates and those we create.

Painting is somewhat like a parallel world... When I paint, I think I wander into that world

  as the work develops... and expanding upon the shapes and impressions that I have encountered.

These days if artists do not challenge the viewer or maybe even make them uncomfortable they can risk being labeled 'decorators'. Yet even those who may claim to want such challenges make certain their personal surroundings are pleasing to them. And even the most challenging Art is housed in the most beautiful buildings. This validates beautiful works.

So I paint what pleases me visually.

- William Spencer III


  • Belleza

  • Belleza Fine Art
    William Spencer III paintings
  • Belleza

  • Cooper Art Brokerage
    El Pedregal at The Boulders
    North Scottsdale, AZ
  • Cooper's Art Gallery & Brokerage
    El Pedregal at The Boulders
    North Scottsdale, AZ

Links to Articles & Reviews:

William Spencer III - Recent Work

Main Entrance - William Spencer iii Recent paintings and Fine Art

© 2020 william spencer iii - contemporary paintings

One Man Exhibits - William Spencer III

  • Horvath Bass Galleries - Sacramento
  • Medusa Gallery - Sacramento
  • William Spencer III Gallery - Sacramento
  • Art Box Gallery -Roppongi - Tokyo
  • San Ygnacio Ltd. - L.A. Art Expo

    Current Exhibits:
  • Belleza Gallery - Bisbee, AZ
  • LKG Contemporary - Scottsdale, AZ
  • Cooper's Art Brokerage - Scottsdale, AZ
  • Jane Hamilton Fine Art - Tucson AZ

  • Juried shows:

  • Sausalito Art Festival - 1989
  • Los Angeles Art Expo - 1989
  • Kingsley Art exhibit at The Crocker Museum of Art.
    Juried by former curator The Whitney Museum of Art

  • Magazines:

  • Sunstorm Fine arts - Southern CA.
  • Artbook - Scottsdale AZ
  • Art Expo Preview magazine
  • Decor - National Art magazine
  • Sacramento - The 'Best of the city'-issue
  • On The Wings - Sacto. Art review
  • Bisbee Marquee - Bisbee, AZ
  • Phoenix Home and Garden, Feb 2004 141
  • Digs Magazine - Tucson, AZ Oct 2002
  • Tucson Guide - Tucson, AZ Fall 2006

  • William Spencer III

    William Spencer III's textural, narrative works often carry an air of mystery with them. Rich patina and underlying symbolic shapes are repeated in Spencer's works on eucalyptus hardboard. The artist works on a ground of polymer vinyl and lime compounds which is stained and then painted with acrylics. Sometimes areas of cellulose resin silk-screen images are hand screened by Spencer directly into the painting. William's own Poetry or journal notes are sometimes lightly written into the paint, like only partially spoken thoughts. Sometimes more of his poetry appears on the back of the painting. His work is a visual journal of subtle comments about life and his journey.

    William Spencer III has had numerous one man shows as well as juried shows, including the Sausalito Art Festival and the Los Angeles Art Expo. Spencer was chosen for the Crocker Kingsley Exhibit, held in the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento. This exhibit was juried by the curator of the Whitney Museum of Modern Art, and hosted by the oldest art club in the West. In 1992 William Spencer III had a one man show in Tokyo, Japan in the Roppongi district.

    William Spencer III was voted as the 1992 Northern California Rising Star by 'On the Wings' Art Magazine. This annual juried event was hosted by Sacramento Area Galleries. He has also been featured in the Best of Sacramento issue of 'Sacramento Magazine' as well as 'Sun Storm' magazine of the Arts, and more recently in 'Diggs' web Magazine of Tucson, The 'Bisbee Marquee' web magazine of Bisbee AZ and 'Phoenix Home and Garden' Magazine.

    William Spencer III is self taught and began producing fine art after working as an accomplished art serigrapher. He shows his work in Cooper's Art Gallery - Carefree/Scottsdale AZ, in Belleza Gallery in Bisbee AZ, and in Scottsdale AZ at LKG Contemporary at 7171 Main Street in the heart of the Art District.

    The main body of his historical and current works are produced in acrylic, oil and resin silkscreen on plaster and board.

    Spencer's work Represented By Belleza Gallery, Bisbee AZ,
    LKG Contemporary, Scottsdale AZ,
    Niemann Hayden, Scottsdale AZ
    and in Cooper's Art Brokerage, Scottsdale, AZ.

    Private collections include notables:

  • Jacque Maria and Larry Lushbaugh - San Francisco
  • Mary and Harold Douthit II - Cleveland Ohio
  • Teall and Carolyn Edds - Hong Kong, PRC
  • Tower Records corporate - Sacramento CA
  • Sony Corp., Tokyo, Japan
  • Sedona Hilton - Sedona AZ

© 2020 william spencer iii - contemporary paintings